The Joyous Parent
Current Special Offerings
Now, for a limited time, purchase this course and receive THREE private coaching calls to set you off on the right track!
Enjoy 6 modules worth of supports, guidance, and materials that will set you up for not only home learning confidence and calm, but JOY too. Work through the content at your own pace on a framework that you only need to learn ONCE but that keeps on giving throughout your children's education and beyond.

Learn to Play.
Play to Learn.

By the end of this special 90min 1:1 experience, we get your parenthood HUMMING with calm, excitement, and confidence. Plus we get to increase your connection to your children AND put them in the center. How cool is that??
We’re going to make the time to:
1. Celebrate & unearth your parenting values
2. Have a plan for resourcing your own self care
3. Learn a step by step guide for using the art of play to support learning & beyond
4. Get really clear on what your family most needs right now
5. Develop simple strategies to learn to give your kids what they actually need
I’m including EVERYTHING you need to get started, including the Values Setting Framework that will get you clear and in control, I have a feeling you’re going to be blown away by how fabulously delightful it can be to support your children's learning AND empower your parenthood at the same time!
Even better: You can use the Values Setting Framework over and over again, throughout your parenthood all the way up until you have an empty nest!
Let’s get your parenthood to a clear and confident place and your children on journey towards wholehearted living.
90min 1:1 private coaching journey

In this mini 45 min parenthood rinse we carve out time for YOU to focus on your specific family values, challenges, & needs and then resource you so that you can step out with practical, step by step guides, tools and supports that will reset you into an even more calm, confident, and connected parenthood.
Who wouldn't love that?!
45 min 1:1 private session

Raise a Creative, Resilient Changemaker
What do I mean by that?
Our children's potential is limitless but many of us lack the resources & knowledge to truly support them with confidence and joy.
Our generation is one foot in the door. We are beginning to understand the affect of privilege and to dismantle systems that don't work, but we're not quite good at doing things because that is what is good for kids (or humans). But if we are able to discover the power of values-based parenting as a guidepost for all that we do, just imagine how far our children will go.
Because your children will then get to witness you leading your best and most beautiful lives and you will get to be a model for who and what they can be in this world. And then you will be able to see them for who they are meant to be and guide them. And it all starts with the foundation of the incredible, fast-paced, transformative and formative soft years.
Because it is YOUR inner wisdom, the intuition and truth compass that is already there in your heart of hearts that if brought out, can lead the way. And then your little ones will pick up on your knowing to find their own knowing. And soar.
Through our work together, I will help you gain the confidence, skills, and knowledge needed to navigate the soft years with ease, beauty, peace, and JOY.
And that inner knowing is what will help you get your children two feet in the door. When they are seen and heard, they get to be who they have been meant to be in this world. And that's how we create changemakers.
Tap into your inner parenthood bliss with me. It's sure to be a beautiful ride!
Join me in the play revolution and taking back childhood!